Business Health

Welcome to your Business Health Analysis

This survey is a self-assessment on your business health and strength against the competition and new challenges.

The answer will give you an idea of how structured is your company to quickly implement changes or react against new customer requirements.

Also, the potential support you can receive from your personnel to tackle specific needs.

Do you know how much your customers value your products and services?

Do your customers depend on your products and services?

Does your company perform as needed?

If you have some issues in your business execution, do you feel comes from the lack of clarity on the responsibilities?

In your organization, do your employees have documented job descriptions?

Do the employees align with business objectives in their daily job?

Do the employees have accountability for the consequence in their actions and decisions?

Do you feel the policies in the company are sufficient to guarantee the expected results?

Do you think the company needs additional software to prevent mistakes or make employees focus on more value task?

Please mention three primary situations that affect the business results in the company?

Do you want to make additional comments on your business health?

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